
Monday 7 November 2011


It's weird,
my brain keep on thinking of negative stuff,
and i can't stop think on it....
Am i start thinking nonsense and EMO?
Yes, I AM...

When I Login to Facebook,
try to get someone talk with me,
I just realize,
nobody there....
I have so many thing to share,
but  I have no idea how should express my feeling......
So, I keep the secrets in my heart......
I'm lost....

A nickname from my tutor,
He call me as "lonely girl"
because I told him i always alone,
eat alone, stay alone, shopping alone....
Yes,no doubt, i can do many thing alone,
because i dislike makes trouble to someone,
and hated by someone.....
So, i always think that,
if I can handle it, I will not make troubles to my friends......
This is one of my principle......

After a period of time,
people feel tired,
people feel lonely,
people feel sad,
people feel angry to themselves,
and I always is one of them......
So, I become Emo (I dislike it x100)!!!

I hope in my life have one of  you,
talk to me,
hear for me,
hug me,
lend me a shoulder,
and tell me that you are not fine.......

I wish my brain had a map to tell me what should I do......

)= I'm Fine =(

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